Michael Welch

Michael Welch goes to Africa

Tue, 14/12/2010 - 07:44 | by twilight-movie.org

Michael Welch is taking a break from Twilightand will travel to Africa to lend his support in the call for clean drinking water and proper sanitation in Africa.

Win A Trip With Michael Welch!

Sun, 05/12/2010 - 00:42 | by twicrackaddicts

Everyone's secret crush, Michael Welch is joining with The Thirst Project to help bring clean water to those who simply don't have it.
By joining the "Michael Welch 5 Buck Club" you won't only help with this project, which Mike commits to go to Africa and help build the actual wells himself but, he'll take one of the subscribers with him!

New Michael Welch interview!

Tue, 16/11/2010 - 05:16 | by Eyes of Amber

Team Twilight had the honor of interviewing Michael Welch, who we all know as hapless Michael Newton, about his new movie 'Unrequited' and his role in the upcoming 'Breaking Dawn' filming. Some highlights of the interview include;

New 'Breaking Dawn' cast members Tweet!

Tue, 05/10/2010 - 04:22 | by Eyes of Amber

Two of the new 'Breaking Dawn' cast members are 'tweeters'! Mia Maestro (Carmen) and MyAnna Buring are both on twitter and join numerous other cast members who tweet. Follow Mia here (@miamaestro) and MyAnna here(@myannaburing)

French Ultimate 'Eclipse' DVD Set

Tue, 21/09/2010 - 11:56 | by Malaysian Twilighter

This is TOO AWESOME not to be shared with you guys. I just hope, JUST HOPE, that Malaysia will come up with something creative and marketable like this for Eclipse as well. Of course, it would cost a bomb, but it's SO worth it!

Michael Welch joins twitter and tweets about 'Breaking Dawn'!

Fri, 03/09/2010 - 01:25 | by Eyes of Amber

Michael Welch (Mike Newton in the Twilight Saga for those not in the know!) has joined Twitter. You can follow Michael at @michaelwelchact

Michael also tweeted today about 'Breaking Dawn' Part 1 saying;

Michael Welch is now on Twitter

Wed, 25/08/2010 - 02:04 | by twilight-movie.org

Another Twilight cast member has bitten the Twitter bug and the latest one is Micheal Welch.

To follow Michael, click on the link above.


More Eclipse Cast at 2010 Teen Choice Awards

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 14:43 | by twicrackaddicts

Speed post:

Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Alex Meraz, Justin Chon, Chirstian Serratos, Michael Welch, Charley Bewley & Kiowa Gordon have been added to the list of attendees for the Teen Choice Awards! They join previously confirmed Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner & Ashley Greene.

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