Melissa Rosenberg

'New Moon' in Rome

Radar Online has photos of Charlie, Cameron, Jamie, and Melissa Rosenberg representing the 'New Moon' cast at the Rome International Film Festival. Those in attendence were treated to 20 minutes of the film, including the full break-up scene.

Official Breaking Dawn Info

Acting Auditions shared information about Breaking Dawn. Apparently, Summit is off over the weekends, and other bloggers had protested against this guys info saying, "I called Summit today, and they said the film has not been green lit." They got their information from Production Weekly, which has been confirmed that their information is 100% correct.

So Is It Breaking Dawn Movie or MOVIESSSS?

Yeh, they're going back over this one again. Whether Breaking Dawn should be two films or one, who will be directing, is the whole cast coming back, etc. Our favorite, the one, the only TED at THE AWFUL TRUTH gave us our--so-called--dirt on this one.

MTV's TayStew Interview: Insights into key New Moon scenes

GAH! (p.s. I'm Team Edward)

MTV has a new interview with Kristen and Taylor up, where they talk about their characters, the scenes that they're eager for fans to see, and what parts were toughest to film. Here is an excerpt:

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