
Pic of Stephnie Meyer on the Volturi set

Not sure where they found this picture, because I don't speak Spanish, but this was just too cool!
Thanks to Twilight Braz.

New image from the Volturi set in Vancouver

A new image from the New Moon set in Vancouver has been released. This features Twilight author Stephenie Meyer and the cast including the Volturi and screen writer Melissa Rosenberg at the Volturi set.


Twilight graphic novel debuts to 66,000 copies sold

The Twilight Graphic Novel went on sale last week and once again, Twilighters have proven themselves to be loyal fans.

The graphic novel sold over 66,000 copies in its first week, making it the largest debut for a graphic novel in the US. Little Brown released this statement:

Kellan Lutz Loves Twilight

Kellan Lutz loves ‘Twilight’.

The 24-year-old actor, who plays Emmett Cullen in the vampire movies, claims he cannot wait for the next films.

He said: “I love being my character, Emmett, and I love this franchise.

“I love the actors, the production teams, the directors… it’s great to love a job in a way that has continuous projects with it, so I hope Stephenie Meyer writes another book that we get to act in also.”

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