
No Silver Volvo And Now A Red Rabbit?!

Amanda and Maria went to the Eclipse set today and emailed in what looks like Jacob's Rabbit being removed... thing is, wasn't his car black for New Moon?

Jodelle Ferland Talks About the Twilight Effect

For upcoming Eclipse actress Jodelle Ferland, she expresses how Twilight has changed her life.

Jodelle Ferland may be 14 years old, but she is no newcomer to the acting world.
With a hefty resume, including Silent Hill, The Messengers, and Good Luck Chuck,
she is on her way to being one of the biggest stars of this generation. I caught

Chaske Spencer interview with RadarOnline

Behind the set competition with Chaske Spencer and Rob Pattinson? Hmm, I don't know, it may be.
As the tension between the vampires and the werewolves builds in the Twilight Saga, a pivotal character in the series is Sam Uley, the La Push Shape Shifter and the alpha leader of the werewolves pack.

PFach says "Fach you" to paps - epic LOL!

It seems Mr Twitternelli has more than one kind of bird - how did I miss this?!

Thanks LMCullen from EclipseMovie

Can New Moon Jacob win our hearts?

The highlight of Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards for most of us was the extended New Moon trailer. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a lot of material there that caught me by surprise. There just are no words for the scenes of Edward and the Volturi. Seeing more of the wolves’ transformations was amazing as well. It looks like Chris Weitz has done a fabulous job with all the visual effects. There are really so many things to write about from that trailer, but today I want to focus on just one…Jacob.

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