
New Moon has a connection with 50 cent

The “Twilight” franchise already has landed a strong promotional partner with Volvo, but it turns out the phenomenon coaxed Vitamin Water to engage in their first movie promotion ever. The company that made early investor 50 Cent set for life is running TV spots promoting the opening of “New Moon” and their new flavors.

Taylor and Kristen are in Sao Paulo, Brazil!

Taylor and Kristen arrived today in Sao Paulo, Brazil! At the airport there were more than 200 fans! First I have to tell that brazilian fans are really passionate and really going crazy sometimes; so ofcourse it was really crazy at the airport;

6 more TV appearances of Twilight stars!

Today may be Halloween, but millions of “New Moon” fans know the vampires worth watching will haunt the night only after the calendar flips to November. And Gossip Cop just confirmed SIX more television appearances for cast members.

Nikki doesn’t own any “Edward doll”

MTV: As the “Saga” has continued filming, do you find yourself becoming more or less like Rosalie?

‘MTV Ulalume’: Howling at New Moon

Yesterday was “MTV’s  Ulalume: Howling at New Moon”. If you didn’t watch it or you did; here’s everything you should definitly know about! Let’s start!

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