
New Moon malware warning

Looks like even malware developers are getting on the Twilight action.
Reports have surfaced that there's a new malware out there promising an online interview with Stephenie Meyer, when in fact, it will cause a malware to suck up all your computer info.
According to PC Tools ( fans searching for more information about her and the movie will come across a site promising an online interview. Instead, it’s a “Vampire Byte” to suck out your financial information and install malware on your computer.
How the scam works:

Edi Gathegi:New Moon, Stephenie Meyer and many more

The Twilight Examiner had an exclusive interview with Edi Gathegi where he talked about New Moon, Stephenie Meyer, coming back and many more. Here is an excerpt of his interview:

Are you excited for everyone to finally see New Moon?

Twilight Book Breaks Records in UK

Twilight has broken more book sales records in the UK! Read the full article here.

The Twilight books, which have been turned into a series of hit films starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, have broken Waterstone's sales records.

The teen vampire books by Stephenie Meyer have sold one million copies in little over two and a half years � beating the previous record set by Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Time’s Q&A with Kristen Stewart

Yesterday, we have posted the Q& A session of Robert Pattinson and director Chris Weitz with Time Magazine. Now, we have Kristen’s turn. Here is an excerpt of her interview:

TIME: Everyone has a theory about what makes this franchise so successful. What’s yours?

Stephenie Meyer answers fans questions

A few weeks ago, Stephenie Meyer and The Twilight Saga has asked fans to send in questions that they would like to be answered by Stephenie. Well, she has delivered and she answered as much fan questions as possible. Here is an excerpt:

‘New Moon’ breaking records before it premiers has an interesting article up about how New Moon is breaking records before it has even opened!

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