
Yahoo! Movies on 'Breaking Dawn'

There was a feature on Yahoo! Movies today about the final Twilight Saga movie, "Breaking Dawn" and all of the questions surrounding it. Check it out here! Thanks Nora!

Stephenie Meyer vindicated in lawsuit filed against her

A few months ago, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer was sued for plagiarism by Jordan Scott, who claimed that Stephenie used some plotline in her book for Breaking Dawn.

Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg on New Moon and Eclipse

Here's a little blurb with Melissa Rosenburg. She talks about getting the Twilight gig, working with Stephenie Meyer and a little about what we can look forward to in Eclipse.

For those going spoiler-free, she doesn't discuss anything that you wouldn't know if you have read the books, but otherwise, this is your warning.

Melissa Rosenberg gives details on Eclipse

Win a signed copy of Twilight!

Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe is giving you the chance to win your very own copy of Twilight signed by Stephenie Meyer herself. Now what Twilight fan wouldn't love to have that in your collection???

Variety: "Summit's 'Twilight' Delimma"

Variety has posted an article about Summit Entertainment's (possible) decision to split the Breaking Dawn movie into two separate films. Read more here!

Summit’s Twilight dilemma

With the success of New Moon, it left no doubt that Summit Entertainment has a huge franchise in their hands. Its lead stars are known globally and are constantly part of the media limelight. With New Moon’s phenomenal success and the third part of the series, Eclipse, due out next summer, the main dilemma for Summit Entertainment is the fourth and last part of the Saga, Breaking Dawn.

Tay Loves The Love Triangle

Taylor Lautner has said that he understands the tension between Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight characters.

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