
FX Obtains Cable Rights To Twilight

Summit Entertainment made a deal with FX who now has the cable rights to The Twilight Saga:

Vampires are set to descend on FX. On the heels of “New Moon’s” sizzling opening weekend, the cabler has struck a deal with Summit Entertainment for basic cable rights to the red-hot pics in the “Twilight” franchise.

Stephenie Meyer & Jennifer Love Hewitt with Ryan Seacrest

During the New Moon premiere, Stephenie Meyer , Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jason Kennedy stopped by Ryan Seacrest’s radio booth  to talk about the books, the movies and many more.

Chris talks to MTV about New Moon DVD Extras

Chris talks to MTV about the extras he is planning for the New Moon DVD. We get another commentary track!

Movie TrailersMovies Blog "It's Twilight in America"

TIME magazine's website has an article about the Twilight franchise and the New Moon movie. Check it out here! Thanks Abby!

'New Moon' Breaks Box-Office Record for Midnight Screenings

MTV News is reporting that 'New Moon' broke the box-office record for midnight screenings, set previously by 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'. I know one theater in my area had the movie on 20 screens at midnight, and all 20 were sold out. They even had to add 3:00 am screenings to meet the demand.

Warning! Possible Malware Threat

Summit has sent us a warning to pass on to you. If you run a search for Stephenie Meyer or try to download 'New Moon' illegally, your computer could be exposed to a Malware attack. Here are links to two articles which go into much more detail. This appears to be a very legitimate risk! Thanks to Summit for the warning.

USA Today

Yahoo! Tech

I have seen New Moon - But no spoilers here!

As Kerry explained, I have already seen New Moon, but she has not. I realize that a lot of you are in that category as well and I certainly do not want to spoil this epic movie for anyone!

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