
Twilight Saga: Extra TV’s 2nd Top Entertainer of the Year

The Twilight Saga has been chosen by EXTRA TV as its Second Top Entertainer of the Year 2010. The third installment in the franchise, Eclipse has set a midnight screenings record last summer and has shown that the franchise is not slowing down soon.

New Twilight 'Fame' comic book

The team behind the 'Fame' comic books have a new release.

First Look - Twifecta Comic Book - Rob, Kristen & Taylor FAME!

The creators of the Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and soon to be Taylor Lautner FAME Comics are releasing a Twifecta edition featuring all three of the Twilight Saga leads:
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are getting some comic relief.

Breaking Dawn Isle Esme Filming Day 2 - Waterfalls Anyone?

Update: Rob and Kristen arrive at set to film some schmexy honeymoon scenes in the water - Hales yeah!
Via source

Anne Rice blasts Twilight!

The famed Vampire author Anne Rice has blasted 'Twilight' for it's "failure of imagination".  Speaking with New Jersey's 'Star Ledger' Rice said;

Queen of vampire novels Anne Rice criticizes Twilight

In a new interview with New Jersey’s Star Ledger, Queen of Vampire Novels Anne Rice criticizes the Twilight Saga saying that books are based “on a silly premise”.

Q. Some of your vampires are sympathetic.

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