
Happy Birthday Jackson!!

Oh Jackson. It really sucks to have a birthday so close to Christmas doesn't it? Amber was shopping and I was making cookies all day and we nearly let your birthday slip by. I don't know where you are at the moment, but I'm on the west coast, so it is STILL your birthday here.

New Moon Movie stills

We have four more new movie stills from New Moon to show you. These features Eric, Angela, Rosalie and Jasper.

New Moon Behind The Scenes

This was also in our list, and I hadn't actually watched the vidoe until now. I literally have a higher respect for everyone and their acting, directing, their ability to dealing with the weather, everything. I mean, ever shoudler position, timing, grunts, facial expression, it has to be perfect. And I didn't realize that when waht-his-face-evil-vampire shoved Edward against a wall that that was fake. But now I'm wondering how I couldn't have known that. Hm. And the whole Jasper-paper-cut scene did take a lot of effort. Okay, I'll stop so you can just watch it.

Jackson Rathbone: Music balances acting

Along with Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone is considered as one of the musically-gifted and inclined actor in the Twilight cast. When he is not acting, Jackson spends his time rocking out with his band, 100 Monkeys.

Twi-Theories Tuesdays

It is nearly impossible to believe that the countdown is now just two weeks until New Moon. It feels like we’ve been saying “Is it November yet?” for well…months. And now, the answer to that is yes! It all just seems surreal. We are so close to watching New Moon. I bought my tickets weeks ago, then went back earlier this week to pick up one for the Twilight showing before the midnight release. I’m very excited. Two weeks from now, I will have seen New Moon and be less than six hours away from seeing it a second time.

Twi-Theories Tuesdays

It is nearly impossible to believe that the countdown is now just two weeks until New Moon. It feels like we’ve been saying “Is it November yet?” for well…months. And now, the answer to that is yes! It all just seems surreal. We are so close to watching New Moon. I bought my tickets weeks ago, then went back earlier this week to pick up one for the Twilight showing before the midnight release. I’m very excited. Two weeks from now, I will have seen New Moon and be less than six hours away from seeing it a second time.

Kirsten Prout @ The Bleeding Premiere

Eclipse vampire Kirsten Prout (aka Lucy, one of the Vamps that was responsible for Jasper becoming a Vampire) was recently photographed at the premiere for the movie The Bleeding. How appropriate! lol

MovieLine.com interviewed  Kirsten last week -

‘MTV Ulalume’: Howling at New Moon

Yesterday was “MTV’s  Ulalume: Howling at New Moon”. If you didn’t watch it or you did; here’s everything you should definitly know about! Let’s start!

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