
More cut outs !

Finaly  we have More cutouts  to pick  from ! I am personly excited for JASPER!

Fan Fiction: Picture Windows, Prolouge- Chapter 1

Sorry it's late, and sorry I read so little, but here it is! My review of the Fan Fiction, "Picture Windows."The prolouge was extremly confusing and didn't catch my interest. Simple. As. That.

Happy Birthday Bella!

Jasper wants cake real bad!

Let's try for no paper-cuts this year, k?

- Lorabell

What if Jasper was Edward?

While it’s true that these days, most people would agree that Robert Pattinson has more than done justice to the role of Edward Cullen, the initial reaction to his casting was not all positive. Who can forget the petition signed by over 70,000 to get rid of him? When I asked my twitter followers who they would want for Edward if they couldn’t have Rob, there was near revolt! My, my, how times have changed. But did you ever wonder who else was in line for the part?

New Stills from PEOPLE Magazine!

Thanks to Twilight Poison we now have two more New Moon movie still scans from the recent issue of PEOPLE magazine! The first is one of Alice and Jasper and the second is one of Bella and Edward. Check them out here!

Jackson Talks Jasper's Powers and Backstory

MTV's Larry Carroll has posted an interview he did with Jackson Rathbone prior to the start of filming on 'Eclipse'. There is also a brief clip. In the interview he gives some insight into what we will see concerning Jasper's powers in not only 'Eclipse', but 'New Moon' as well. They also talk about what will be shown of Jasper's backstory.

Jacksper graduates? Oh HALE... I don't know :/

This is meant to be Jasper but I'm not sure...

Now, I know Jacksper was on set pre-graduation scene... but I don't remember him graduating in Eclipse.

Secrets from the ‘New Moon’ set

Kristen Stewart lies on a beige carpet, surrounded by a mess of pink roses and broken crystal. Her sweater is ripped, revealing a bloody gash on her right arm.

Eclipse Set Pictures - Jack Huston As Royce King?

X17 have pics up of who they say is Jack Huston, in costume, dressed as Royce King, on the set of Eclipse.

These photos we're taken on the night shoot on Wednesday...

Breaking Dawn Preparation Already??? & Dakota Fanning In Vancouver -

Lainey Gossip brings us news, BIG news. If this is accurate, then Summit may be thinking about Breaking Dawn, even more rapidly than we imagined -

"As for what Kristen was doing at the salon – am told exclusively that they were testing out a look, something to do with a transformation, not just her hair, but makeup and costuming too. As a vampire."

GASP!!!! Are they already testing Kristen's vampire look??? I. Can. Not. Wait!!!!

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