
Want to get that Twilight look?

Want to get that instant Twilight make-over? Here now is your chance.

Jack Huston Talks Twilight Saga recently interviewed Jack Huston about his current role on Eastwick, being a Huston, and how he got involved in the Twilight Saga:

IESB: How did you get involved with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse? What is it like to become a part of that whole phenomenon?

Eclipse set update

A few days ago, David Slade tweeted about night shoots with Nikki Reed. Well, here's a photo from that shoot, with Nikki and Jack Huston as vintage Rosalie and her fiancee Royce King!

He also updates us on more shooting.

Have we already seen too much New Moon?

October is here already, which means we get to say that New Moon comes out next month! That is just incredible. October has already brought us many things. Hot Topic and Nordstrom both unveiled their New Moon product lines yesterday.

And the Twilight Halloween Costumes Begin

Following on from the Edward "Night-time-Romeo" hair you can now buy an Alice costume for Halloween - or just around the house... you know, whatevs!

What do you think about Rosalie's look?

A new pic of Rosalie has surfaced, but I'm not sure if it's a new movie still or just somebody's screencap. Anyhoo, it gives us a good look at Rosalie. That is a big-ass necklace.

Sabrina Frank as Vera in 'Eclipse'? is reporting that the winner of Germany's 'Mission Hollywood', Sabrina Frank, is going to portray Vera (Rosalie's human friend) in the 'Eclipse'. There is no official confirmation from Summit Entertainment as of right now.

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